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Account aanmakenSWEET RINGS. Colourful modelling air-dry clay, 3 cans with fun interactive app for kids 3 years +.
Meet the Sweet Rings, filled with extraordinarily super-sweet powers. The Shiny Smile Cheesecake delivers endless smiles, while the Warm Trio of Ice Cream reminds you to say something sweet, sunny, and warm to someone. The simple yet powerful forces of the Sweet Rings will transform you into the sweetest person ever! And the transformation will start right after you’ve sculpted your first ring... so leeet's goooo! Sculpt like no other and show the world your unique Sweet Ring creations!
Item Number: HC-31002
Cans: 3
Box size: 11.3x3.6x18.5 cm
Weight: 125 g
Characters: 5
Colors: 9